1. Eddie Kasperzak ( President )
2. John Dorne ( Vice President )
3. Pat Feehan
4. John Keyes
5. Al Pallavicini
6. Chris Witter
7. David Ptasznik
8. Daniel Reyes
9. Bruce Davies
10. Rich Blanchard
11. Tom Balachvili
12. Eric Felter
13. Gary Magyar
14. Keith Bologno
15. Joe Ustica
16. Shaan Khubani
17. Giovanni Martino
18. Linas Rackus
19. Keith Edwards
20. Peter Vamvourellis
21. Mike Rinaldi
22. Vern Gatson
23. David Paszkiewicz
24. Bill Griffett
25. Matthew Kruk
26. Michael Labinski
27. Steve Smith
28. Tyler Keyes
29. Lloyd Raheem
30. Matthew Domitrowski
31. Dominic Lamanno Jr.
32. Alex Temple
33. Glenn Seiler
34. Mike Zampese
35. Kevin Albright
36. Kevin Runo
37. Art Vitale
38. George Epley
39. Taurus Lopez
40. Jim Sparone
41. EJ Cusano
42. Nick Runo
43. Joe Satkowski
44. John Crisp
45. Vince Morris
46. Mark Trongone
47. Chris Pepe (R)
48. Andrew Kosakowski (R)
49. Cliff Conrad (R)
50. David Callaremi (R)
(R) = Members who are eligible for the 2025 Rookie of the Year