Topwater Bassers Point System
1st 70pts 7th 48pts
2nd 65pts 8th 47pts
3rd 60pts 9th 46pts
4th 55pts 10th 45pts
5th 50pts 11th 44pts
6th 49pts 12th 43pts
And so on....
5 additional points will be awarded for the Lunker of each tournament.
If no fish are weighed in by 1 or more anglers, then he will receive 10 points for fishing the tournament.
Example: If there are 7 anglers competing, and only 4 anglers weigh in fish, the remaining 3 anglers will each receive 10 points for fishing the tournament.
Each angler will have 2 tournaments dropped. In other words, all anglers will have ALL points from their worst 2 tournaments removed. If an angler misses a tournament, that tournament may also be used as a drop.
Angler of the Year: will be determined by the highest point total after the end of the last regular season tournament.
Rookie of the Year: will be determined by the highest point total for the newest members for the regular tournament season.
Lunker of the Year Largemouth: will be determined by the heaviest single largemouth bass of the entire regular season tournaments combined.
Lunker of the Year Smallmouth: will be determined by the heaviest single smallmouth bass of the entire regular season tournaments combined.